I’ve meditated with my now four-year-old sitting beside me with her tablet on full volume.
I’ve flossed my teeth and tweezed my eyebrows while she was taking a bath.
I’ve even used the precious minutes before she’s woken up to just get through one cup of tea.
Often it’s not even 20 minutes that I get but just 10-15 minutes. By spending that time on self-care, I can change my whole mood for the rest of the day. I find it important to have not only time but also physical space for my self-care. That may be the carpet in my living room, the floor beside my bed, my study, or even my bedroom closet!
Taking a few minutes for yourself can make you feel more human and ready to tackle what the day brings.
Self-care ideas when you’re short on time
Need some ideas to kickstart your self-care routine? These ones work for me and can be done in under 20 minutes:
- Go for a solo walk: This can be a walk around the neighborhood or even just to check the mail. Sometimes, I listen to a short podcast or call a friend when I’m walking. Live by a nature trail, the ocean, or a lake? Walking (or sitting) for just 20 minutes in nature can lower your stress hormones.
- Pamper yourself: Showers can be one of the best places to pamper yourself. Lately, I’ve been putting on a turmeric face scrub in the shower. The smell and the feeling of softness it gives my skin really elevates the experience. I also use a lovely coconut butter and cocoa butter body wash that smells divine and makes my shower time (albeit five minutes) very special. With some Epsom salts and a lighted candle, you can turn a bath into a self-care experience. Try some soothing music to make bathtime even more relaxing.
- Create a morning routine: Waking up in “mom mode” can make the start of your day hectic and leave you frazzled. Try waking up 20 minutes before your kids instead. That time off in the morning can make all the difference to your day. I’ve listened to a short guided meditation or even planned my day in the mornings. I’ve used the Passion Planner in the past and found it helpful to plan my day and week. It helped me keep track of my goals and even meal planning. When I use the planner, I feel peaceful and my day starts the way I want it to (not inundated with requests and taking my kid to the potty first thing in the morning!). Not sure how to create a morning routine? Check out the Busy Mom’s Guide to Creating a Morning Self-Care Routine.
- Create a bedtime routine: A bedtime routine isn’t just for kids. Just as it’s important to have a few moments of peace in the morning, carving out some time in the evening or before bed can get you ready for restful sleep. Try writing down what you’re grateful for that day before you sleep. Often, I go over my favorite moments of the day and think about fun and exciting things coming up the next day or later that week. Reflecting on my day helps to settle my mind. There are also great bedtime stretches and yoga routines (Yoga with Adriene is one that I love) that take fewer than 10 minutes. You can do them from the comfort of your bedroom or anywhere in the house where you can find space.
- Put your feet up: Yes, I said it—put your feet up, mama. When your child is busy, take advantage of it. (And don’t be afraid to use a little technology to keep her engaged.) When a neighbor told me her daughter did kids’ Zumba for over an hour, I told her that was the time for her to put her feet up. Kids’ yoga can also be very engaging and fun for little ones. My daughter tried Cosmic Kids Yoga and really enjoyed the sequences with fast music and some disco moves. We even tried live Bollywood dancing classes, and my daughter was able to follow some of the moves. It was a fun experience to try something new in the comfort of our living room.
- Engage in a hobby: I’ve transformed from a bookworm to an artist over the past 10 years. I’m heavily into crafts—I have a whole studio devoted to my interests. This is where I get creative, whether that’s crocheting a mandala, loom weaving, painting, drawing, embroidery, or writing for websites (like this one!). I find that spending even 20 minutes a day on these creative activities can really improve my mood, so I do that daily—even on weekends. Your hobby could be woodworking, bird-watching, doodling, making soap, knitting, or illustrating comic books. Whatever your childhood passion was or your adult interests are, take the time to indulge in your creative side; it’s very rewarding.

More self-care ideas
Need more ideas? Here are some other things you can do to take care of yourself, mama:
- Read: Need some inspiration? Check out the New York Times bestseller list. (Many libraries now offer ways for patrons to check out and read e-books on their smartphones.)
- Color: Pull out your markers and pencil crayons and get immersed in a world of color and beauty.
- Puzzle it out. Try a challenging jigsaw puzzle or an online puzzle or game.
- Cuddle with a pet: Petting our four-legged friends can lower stress. In fact, a recent study found that petting a cat or dog for just 10 minutes can reduce stress.
- Spend time in your garden: Tend to your vegetable garden or water your lawn. Kick off your shoes and feel the dirt with your toes—it’s refreshing and will make you want to spend more time outdoors.
- Paint your nails: There are now vegan, non-toxic nail polishes that have no smell and won’t bother the little ones. They come in pretty colors too—I have a bright peach on my toes.
- Do an at-home workout: YouTube has great, free workouts catered to women. Some of my favorites are Yoga with Adriene, HASFit, Pahla B Fitness (for women over 50), and FitnessBlender.
- Sign up for a subscription box: One of my favorite self-care activities has been indulging in a self-care box gifted by my husband that comes monthly. It’s called MyTherabox and includes a curated set of items every month—everything from a charcoal face mask to vegan nail polish to journals and essential oils. A self-care box helps me stay connected to myself and really enjoy the whole experience of self-care without having to leave my home or read reviews of products. There are subscription boxes for every interest—there’s even yarn boxes, wine boxes, book boxes, anything that you can think of!
The self-care activities above can all be done in fewer than 20 minutes, and some can even be done with your kids nearby.
Self-care is so necessary for me. It’s been a consistent practice from the time I was single. The more I do it, the happier it makes me. And the more patient and understanding I am with my family. So go ahead and give it a try—and reap the benefits!
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