

Motherhood is filled with stories—some we tell often and others we quietly carry within ourselves.


I created Mother’s Day Magazine because your untold stories deserve to be heard. This is a space where moms matter—not just as caretakers, but as individuals with our own truths, needs, and passions.

Motherhood changes everything, often asking us to give so much of ourselves that we forget who we are beyond it. This platform is here to remind you that you matter, too. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of a traumatic birth, raising a child without your own mother, or living with a secret like conceiving via sperm donor—your story deserves space.

Mother’s Day Magazine is also a place to honor how you’re finding your way back to yourself. In between the chaos of motherhood, there are moments where you rediscover the things that bring you more joy—the things that make you you. Mother’s Day Magazine is your home for those stories too. 

Because you matter. Every day.


Radhika Mathur Mellin

Founder, Mother's Day Magazine